Dear All,

Happy New Moon everyone! Happy Lunar New Year! This note is a reminder that we begin Taking Our Seat: A Month of Practice this Friday. I have heard from many of you and am happy you will be joining us. In uncertain times, it is deeply orienting to feel that we are in our seat, held in a spiritual container.

On the outer level, in our month together, we will be cultivating a sitting practice, simple and straightforward. Meditation is an invitation not to withdraw from life. To be there with it. A 2,500 year old method to settle our minds, land in our bodies, and balance all of the doing with the simplicity of being. It’s a beautiful practice.

On the inner level, we will be nurturing our bodhicitta, our heart-minds, the seed of awakening in each of us. It’s the part of us that has a tremendous capacity to feel and know and connect. It’s the part of us that is tender. It’s also the part of us that feels like our truest and sometimes most quiet self.

The raising of bodhicitta is what is needed right now.

In our first class, we will learn the ancient practice of Shamata and will plan (practical!) ways to support our daily practice. We will share from our own life and have time to rest so that our bodies can be at ease. We will be held in the embrace of all that is.

Are there limits to where our hearts can touch?

I hope to see you in practice,



Women’s Words On Practicing With Me


“Feeling of comforting myself, knowing I am always here”

“Tenderness and softening around my heart”

“Thank you for the sense of belonging.”

“It is so precious to practice meditation with women.”

“Feeling connected to you all and to myself”

“I felt held by Mother Earth. I am not alone.”

“A sense of growing courage to embrace hard circumstances”

“Being invited here today and meditating in the space of Great Feminine Mother, I realize that I have exiled my Feminine Self, and I can now come back to this life.”
